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irlandia utara bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "irlandia utara"
  • The northern Ireland office are spouting the same old shite.
    Irlandia Utara masih mengumbar bualan lama.
  • Sonner has represented Northern Ireland 13 times.
    Dia sudah tampil membela Irlandia Utara sebanyak 16 kali.
  • On the shore of lough neagh.
    Di Irlandia Utara bagian tengah. Di pantai Lough Neagh.
  • Northern Ireland, you don't have the-- the accent.
    Irlandia Utara , Anda tidak memiliki - aksen .
  • Officials say he was originally from Northern Ireland.
    Pihak berwenang berkata Dia dari Irlandia Utara.
  • Grylls was born in Donaghadee, County Down, Northern Ireland.
    Grylls lahir di Donaghadee, County Down, Irlandia Utara.
  • He was with the Royal Marines, stationed in Northern Ireland.
    Dia dulu marinir yang bermarkas di Irlandia utara.
  • Lieutenant Colonel in Northern Ireland, Hereford Regiment.
    Letnan kolonel di resimen Herford Irlandia Utara.
  • Northern Ireland – No extra or fewer seats allocated.
    Irlandia Utara – Tidak ada penambahan atau pengurangan kursi.
  • The Northern Ireland office is in Belfast.
    Ini berarti bahwa kantor Panitera Irlandia Utara akan tetap di Belfast.
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